hi there, i need your help again, 

i configured my httpd.conf file, i told him where is my django.wsgi file. 
the directory is this: /usr/local/django/mysite/myproject.   What i dont 
understand is: during configuration, do i have to 'startproject'? or will i 
just copy my djangoproject in this 'django' folder? 

and.. my question is: how does apache finds my project actually? from which 
file? from wsgi script file? there are too many steps and docs are not 
clean to follow. what i did is this: 
1) installed mod_wsgi 
2) installed django
3) i created a folder 'django' under usr/local as shown in docs. 
4) in this django folder i did 'django-admin.py startproject mysite'
5) in this 'mysite' i created a folder 'apache', and in this apache folder 
i created my django.wsgi script file. 
6) then i copied my actual django project which i developed locally into 
mysite folder. 

can you please tell me where to put my djangosite and what is document 
root. if i put my djangosite on documentroot, files will be downloable, so 
where to put then??? :(( 



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