4.6.2012 14:36, rahajiyev kirjoitti:
Why is Django strangely quoting column and table names? It gives
Oracle syntax errors.

DatabaseError at /

relation "foo" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ty", "foo"."address_country" FROM "foo"."...

Of course it exists as foo, not as "foo".

I already did the CREATE SYNONYM trick to avoid messing with schemas.

By default Oracle makes following assumption: if given name (column, table, schema etc.) is not quoted it's converted implicitly to uppercase and used as that.

Thus clause: select * from SoMeTaBle becomes to select * from "SOMETABLE".

If you provide quotes Oracle uses table name as is and thus making it case-sensitive.

In theory Django should make all names uppercase regradless how you write it. I recall someone to complain strange behavior in cases with Oracle backend.

Jani Tiainen

- Well planned is half done and a half done has been sufficient before...

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