Well it's easy, just follow the FAQ to add some extra fields and in the 
forms.py :

from django import forms    
from userena.forms import SignupForm

class SignupFormExtra(SignupForm):
    avatar = forms.ImageField()

    def save(self):
        new_user = super(SignupFormExtra, self).save()

        profile = new_user.get_profile()
        profile.mugshot = self.cleaned_data['avatar']

        return new_user


On Wednesday, September 12, 2012 12:20:45 PM UTC+2, Bastian wrote:
> Hello,
> I use userena to manage signups and profiles. It works fine and users can 
> set up their avatar in the profile but I'd like them to set it up during 
> signup time. When they register they need to fill username, email, password 
> and sometimes other basic stuffs needed to create a user account. I'd like 
> to add the avatar (mugshot) to that list. What would be the way to go?
> I am trying to inherit the signup form as shown in the userena FAQ (
> http://docs.django-userena.org/en/latest/faq.html#how-do-i-add-extra-fields-to-forms)
> to add the avatar there but I don't know: A) if it's a good option and B) 
> how to render the mugshot (ThumbnailerImageField) in a form (tried 
> forms.ImageField without success).
> Any help is welcome!
> Bastian

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