
I am having some trouble using Queryset's extra method. I can't find a
to OR together multiple such clauses. Here's my case:

I am using Django 1.4 on PostgreSQL 9.2 and I need to perform accent
insensitive queries on some models. In Postgres, this is handled by
unaccent function.

The best way I've found to perform this query through Django's ORM is
by using
the extra method, like so:

        where=['unaccent("table_name"."column_name"::text) LIKE
        params=['%%%s%%' % value]

Since I need to perform similar queries all over my codebase, I've
some wrappers around Django's lookups, so the above can be substituted

    queryset = contains_ai(queryset, attribute_name, value)

The problem I'm having is that depending on the request I need to
multiple such queries, sometimes with OR statements. As far as I know
the only
way to OR together multiple filters is by using Q objects, but there
is no way
to use extra (or even raw sql) with them. I could write both OR
clauses on the
where clause, but then I will no longer be able to conditionaly
multiple such statements together.

Is there a way to OR together results form the extra method?

Thanks for your help!

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