It looks like you have older version of Django installed somewhere.

You definitely should go for virtualenv it saves lot of troubles in the
long run.

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Greg Lindstrom <>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am having trouble getting started using Django 1.4.1 on my Windows 7
> machine.  Everything appears to be installed (I'm running Python 2.7 and
> have been programming in Python for over 10 years; I figure it's time to
> see what all the fuss is over "the web" :-).
> Reading through the tutorial on the Django page (the "polls" project), I
> start a new project using " startproject mysite".  It
> creates a new directory -- as promised -- but I'm in trouble, already!  My
> directory structure does not match the tutorial.  I expect:
> mysite/
> mysite/mysite/
> mysite/mysite/
> mysite/mysite/
> mysite/mysite/
> mysite/mysite/
> and I get all of those.  But, I also get
> mysite/
> mysite/
> mysite/
> giving me,, and in both the "outter" and
> "inner" directories.  I'm I in the wrong tutorial?  The initital web server
> runs and I can edi the file, but when I attempt the "python
> sql polls" command the settings file die snot know about "polls"
> (I added it to the applications).
> I'm eager to learn Django; can someone please give me a kick in the proper
> direction?
> --greg
> --
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Jani Tiainen

- Well planned is half done, and a half done has been sufficient before...

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