Your query clearly indicates that you're still doing foreign keys against TITLE fields, which are strings. So something is definitely still incorrect in your models.

Make sure that your foreign keys really point to ID field (basically that is leaving out

26.9.2012 9:24, rentgeeen kirjoitti:
I postet the query above in the 1st post, it takes like 17secs, 1 of
them like 60 secs

|SELECT `auto_type`.`id`, `auto_type`.`client_id`,
`auto_type`.`category_id`, `auto_type`.`subcategory_id`,
`auto_type`.`project_id`, `auto_type`.`title`, `auto_client`.`id`,
`auto_client`.`title`, `auto_category`.`id`, `auto_category`.`client_id`,
`auto_category`.`title`, T4.`id`, T4.`title`, `auto_subcategory`.`id`,
`auto_subcategory`.`client_id`, `auto_subcategory`.`category_id`,
`auto_subcategory`.`title`, T6.`id`, T6.`title`, T7.`id`, T7.`client_id`,
T7.`title`, T8.`id`, T8.`title`, `auto_project`.`id`,
`auto_project`.`client_id`, `auto_project`.`category_id`,
`auto_project`.`subcategory_id`, `auto_project`.`title`, T10.`id`,
T10.`title`, T11.`id`, T11.`client_id`, T11.`title`, T12.`id`,
T12.`title`, T13.`id`, T13.`client_id`, T13.`category_id`, T13.`title`,
T14.`id`, T14.`title`, T15.`id`, T15.`client_id`, T15.`title`, T16.`id`,
T16.`title` FROM `auto_type` INNER JOIN `auto_client` ON
(`auto_type`.`client_id` = `auto_client`.`title`) INNER JOIN
`auto_category` ON (`auto_type`.`category_id` = `auto_category`.`title`)
INNER JOIN `auto_client` T4 ON (`auto_category`.`client_id` = T4.`title`)
Above is join from auto_category to auto_client "title".

If your model would be "right" it should be autocategory.client_id =

INNER JOIN `auto_subcategory` ON (`auto_type`.`subcategory_id` =
`auto_subcategory`.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_client` T6 ON
(`auto_subcategory`.`client_id` = T6.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_category`
T7 ON (`auto_subcategory`.`category_id` = T7.`title`) INNER JOIN
`auto_client` T8 ON (T7.`client_id` = T8.`title`) INNER JOIN
`auto_project` ON (`auto_type`.`project_id` = `auto_project`.`title`)
INNER JOIN `auto_client` T10 ON (`auto_project`.`client_id` = T10.`title`)
INNER JOIN `auto_category` T11 ON (`auto_project`.`category_id` =
T11.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_client` T12 ON (T11.`client_id` =
T12.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_subcategory` T13 ON
(`auto_project`.`subcategory_id` = T13.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_client`
T14 ON (T13.`client_id` = T14.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_category` T15 ON
(T13.`category_id` = T15.`title`) INNER JOIN `auto_client` T16 ON
(T15.`client_id` = T16.`title`) ORDER BY `auto_type`.`id` DESC|

|what do you mean by back-end?|

python, django, centos6 64bit server, mysql

all works fine also on website + admin but only that part if I click each table 
in admin which are defined in

|   |class ProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

     list_display = ('client', 'category', 'subcategory', 'title', ), ProjectAdmin)|

|the more I add FK's to list display and you click that PROJECT table or others 
the view of it in admin is making that query and takes so long....if I make it 

|  class ProjectAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
     list_display = ( 'title', ), ProjectAdmin)|

NO FKs then it runs in 0.01ms


Also I wonder does admin run one query for each FK per row..


Jani Tiainen

- Well planned is half done and a half done has been sufficient before...

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