I've considered the address-type-and-foreign-key approach you describe — 
and implemented it and then backed it out again — but that approach bugs me 
at a philosophical level. Address is then bound explicitly to Producer and 
instead of having two addresses each with a specific designation I can have 
0-n addresses, one producer with 14 physical addresses, and so on. I 
understand that I can guard against these situations through validation and 
overriding save methods and such but object composition seems like such a 
simple, common, basic need I'm stunned to find it's not easily achievable.

Thanks for the input.

On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 2:59:56 PM UTC-6, Adam Mesha wrote:
> Inlines are for related objects, meaning when I have a foreign key from A 
> to B, on A there is an actual database field that points to B, but on B 
> there's a virtual (related object) field implemented as a python method. 
> When you have a foreign key, the way the admin shows that is just to give 
> you a drop-down list so you can choose the corresponding object in the 
> other model.
> To go back to the standard example, there is a foreign key pointing from 
> Book to Author. On the Author admin page you can see and edit all the 
> books, but on the Book page you just have a drop-down to select the 
> relevant author. You could think of it as Book extends in a certain sense 
> Author, so it has a field pointing to its parent.
> What I would probably do in your situation is to get rid of the mailing 
> address and physical address in your Producer model, and add a type 
> field(which could be 'mailing' or 'physical' or maybe some more 
> possibilities) and a producer field foreign key. That would allow for 
> easily adding more types of addresses, and more than one of a given type. 
> If it's essential to guarantee that there is exactly one mailing address 
> and exactly one physical address, I would probably override the relevant 
> save methods to check for that when objects are saved.
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Ray Hatfield 
> <ray.ha...@gmail.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a model which requires two addresses: a mailing address and a 
>> physical address. From an OO perspective it makes sense to have an Address 
>> class and the Producer to have Address instances as properties, but I can't 
>> seem to achieve this in django while still being able to edit the addresses 
>> inline as part of the Producer admin.
>> I've tried this sort of thing:
>> class Address( models.Model ):
>>     street = models.CharField( ... )
>>     # city state zip, etc.
>> class Producer( models.Model ):
>>     mailing_address = models.OneToOneField( Address, related_name='+' )
>>     physical_address = models.OneToOneField( Address, related_name='+' )
>> but when I attempt to inline the addresses in the django admin I run into 
>> trouble. I get errors like:
>> <class 'producers.models.Address'> has no ForeignKey to <class 
>> 'producers.models.Producer'>
>> (This error is true, of course. But I was under the apparently erroneous 
>> impression that including related_name='+' would prevent django from 
>> setting up the reverse relationship.)
>> I realize I could add a foreign key to Address to associate it with a 
>> specific Producer but this feels backwards to me. An Address shouldn't need 
>> to know whether it's for a Producer or some other object. It's just an 
>> address.
>> I've been banging my head on this for far too long. Advice?
>> -- 
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