Hello group,

I am new to the Django group and Django in general.  I spent the last five 
or six months learning python and have now moved on to Django with the 
hopes of being able to build dynamic websites.  Previous to this I had only 
built static sites with html and wordpress.

Anyway, I am currently working through the django book and the tutorial.  I 
have also ordered "two scoops of django".  

After I complete the tutorials I am planning to building a practice site to 
help me learn even more.  What I had planned to "learn by doing", is 
building a site that scrapes the prices of baseball bats from about 20 
different websites and displays the best price when a user searches based 
on the model of the baseball / softball / teeball bat.  

My goal is to just really learn more about Django and interacting with 
databases.  I am pretty green on databases.

My question is, I have been reading through the tutorial and django book. 
 I am beginning to understand how models interact with the database, but in 
the case where there would be say thousands of different models of baseball 
bats, how would one lay out the database to be functional.  I thought about 
creating a table for each model of bat and under each table, the site link, 
price and other information.  While this layout would work, this would 
create thousands of models and just doesn't seem practical.

If anyone would be willing to give me any guidance on this or point me in 
the direction of information that could help me understand creating a 
database like this, I would greatly appreciate it.


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