
I want to integrate django-modeltranslation into the cmsplugin_news
package. I mean, register some fields in the News class to have a
translation in the DB for each of the settings.LANGUAGES defined.

    class NewNewsForm(forms.ModelForm):
        class Meta:
            model = News
            fields = ('title', 'slug', 'excerpt', 'content',
    'is_published', 'pub_date')
            widgets = {
                'content': CKEditorWidget(),
                'excerpt': CKEditorWidget(),

    class NewNewsAdmin(TranslationAdmin):
        form = NewNewsForm

        class Media:
            js = (
            css = {

    admin.site.register(News, NewsAdmin)

This works ok, if we just take into account django-modeltranslation. But
the django-ckeditor widget is not loading. Using firebug I have seen
that some static files are not loaded, so I tried loading them manually
by modifying the Media class. Anyhow the editor continues not working:

    class Media:
        js = (
        css = {
            'all': [cms_static_url(path) for path in (

Does anyone have any idea about how to make the editor work? Thank you
very much!



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