
I am able to see the file when I try http://localhost:8000/media/js

However the Ajax effect is missing! Its all the same inside interface! I use the latest Mozilla FireFox and Ubuntu 6.2 Dapper. TinyMCE version is .

Do you suggest the same if I am trying it with another editor say Dojo


On 10/8/06, MerMer < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm using a default local installation on a Windows XP machine, running
Firefox 1.5

When I try the following URL
http://localhost:8000/media/js/textareas.js  I get a message saying
that the file cannot be found on the following (notice the slashes)


However, when I go to localhost:8000/admin and then look in the source
of the generated web pages it seems clear to that the files are in
correct directory.

It's probably something stupid,  I am doing here ?. I'm very new to
Django and still trying to find my way around.


> Ok you've surely checked, but i have to ask anyway. :)
> Are the files really readable, e.g. does
> http://www.yoursite.com/media/js/textareas.js show up in your browser?
> Oh and which browser do you use? Konqueror (and probably Safari too) don't
> work with tinyMCE.

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