I'm not clear on your question.  I can't tell if you are wanting to allow 
them to edit the site layout (templates) or content that happens to contain 
html?  Either way, you might look into using the Ace javascript based code 
editor http://ace.c9.io/

If you are talking about letting them modify the templates, what we do is 
have a directory for each templates that is at the top of the template 
loader order, so all templates can be overridden.   A kind of 'theme' 
folder that contains the files we want to allow admins to edit.  It's 
fairly easy to walk that directory structure and give them a list of 
editable files, and then pull up a page with Ace to edit them.  

Things get a lot more complicated if you want to allow admins to override 
arbitrary app level templates, but it's possible too with some modified 
template loaders so you can track the source with regard to template 
resolution order.  Changes still get saved to the override directory, so no 
changes are made to the module level templates and they can just delete the 
custom file to return to original.

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