On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Patrick Beeson <pbee...@thevariable.com> wrote:
> Good morning y'all!
> I'm having a heck of a time figuring out what I'm doing wrong in attaching a
> file uploaded via a ModelForm to an email that's sent if the form is valid.
> Here's a link to my code on Stackoverflow:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21938849/inmemoryuploadedfile-object-has-no-attribute-rfind-when-sending-email-with-a
> Thanks for your help!
>   resume = form.cleaned_data.get('resume')
>   #Compose message
>   email = EmailMessage()
>   email.body = '...'
>   email.subject = 'A new application has been submitted'
>   email.from_email = 'Job application <nore...@email.com>'
>   email.to = ['em...@email.com',]
>   email.attach_file(resume)

EmailMessage.attach_file() takes the path to a file on disk, not a
django.core.files.File subclass.

You may want to use EmailMessage.attach(), which takes a filename (as
listed in the email, not used for anything else), the contents of the
file as a string, and the content type of the file.

Both are documented here:




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