On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Edward Armes <edward.ar...@gmail.com>

> HI guys,
> Thanks for your responses, they have indeed answered all my questions
> pretty much as I was mainly looking for information on how to modify how
> Django accesses it's ORM layer. However from your answer it seems that it
> would be better that I do it at the model layer. I apologize for being so
> vague in my question it was semi-deliberate as I wanted to avoid people
> posting application specific solutions like "Use module X and do Y" and
> often when you ask questions reguarding internals on open-source projects
> and other places (i.e. Stack Overflow) you normaly get a load people
> responding with "why?" which for understandable reasons I wanted to avoid.
> To follow on from this I have a few more quick questions:-
> - If my understanding is correct the Django admin interface uses the model
> layer? If so while learning Django I remember reading (although I can't
> find the link now) that if you use a model that doesn't use Django database
> layer the admin code doesn't work? if this is the case why so?

Yes with an if, no with a but :-)

Out of the box, Django's admin only works with Django models. This is
because most of what the admin is doing is based around model introspection
- it's not making database calls per se, it's using the fact that you've
registered your "Product" model, and a Django model has internal mechanisms
to answer questions like "what fields do you have, and what type are those
fields". From that, Django Admin can build a basic CRUD workflow around the

If your data store *isn't* a Django model, then Django's admin doesn't have
any metadata about the model to work with, so it doesn't have any way to
build that workflow.

That said - one of the driving forces behind the Meta Refactor that I
referenced was to formalize what that metadata interface actually is, so in
principle, *any* data model could be displayed in Django's admin, as long
as it is self-describing in the way the Django admin is expecting. As a
proof of concept of this Daniel (the GSoC student responsible) built a
wrapper that lets you browse your Gmail inbox in Django's admin - after
all, email is just a bunch of models like Message, Thread, Folder etc, and
there's an API for manipulating them. That API doesn't use a database, but
it does do Create, retrieve, update and delete, so Django's admin can be
used as a visualisation for it.

> - Secondly would I be correct in thinking that by having asynchronous
> models it would break the default forms and views lthat are included ike
> the wonderful Admin package?

Again - only "out of the box". If you make it quack like a Django-shaped
duck by providing an interface that is compatible with Django's
expectations, then it *should* work, and the Meta refactor that is
hopefully coming for 1.8 should make this a lot easier.

Russ Magee %-)

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