On 10/18/06 19:57, Steve M wrote:
> I've been following this and related threads with some interest. I
> think it would be nice to have a pure python (requiring no setup of,
> e.g., Apache) webserver included with Django that was more capable than
> the current Django development server. I recently stumbled across this:
> http://pythonpaste.org/module-paste.httpserver.html
> It is a multi-threaded WSGI webserver. It comes with paste, which by
> the way seems to have a lot to offer, but even if the whole of paste
> cannot be cleanly integrated with Django, doesn't the theory of WSGI
> imply that it should be trivial to get a Django project running on this
> server? I assume you would pass django.core.handlers.WSGIHandler to the
> paste.httpserver.serve() function, although I haven't looked enough to
> see how to connect it with a specific project.
> So how realistic is it to replace the Django development server
> (assuming licenses permit) with this server? Any reason it wouldn't be
> desirable? I guess the single threaded devel server could make
> debugging some problems less complex? Maybe I should just give it a
> shot.


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