hello all, 

I am trying to make a registration form using User model so  i am using 

as I am using bootstrap template i need to add some atribute like class 

so i am using widget, am facing a problem , i searchd a lot but unable to 
find the solution 

please help 

my code is under 


error :- name 'self' is not defined
on borwser 



class RegistrationForm(ModelForm):

class Meta:
model = User
fields = [ 'username', 'password', 'email' ]

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 
    super(RegistrationForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    self.fields['username'].widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder" : 
"First Name", 
            "name" : "first_name"})

    self.fields['email'].widget = forms.TextInput(attrs={"placeholder" : 
"Email Address", 
            "name" : "email"})

        self.fields['password'].widget = forms.PasswordInput(attrs={
        "placeholder" : "Password", "name" : "password", "class" : 
"form-control input-sm"})

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