> As you can imagine, there will be bugs, so please bear with us and
> report issues to the issue tracker at
> https://github.com/django/djangoproject.com/issues

I appreciate the clarification/distinction between Django-Users and
Django-Developers mailing-lists.  I don't remember them being this
blatant before.

I did notice that, if remote-font-loading is disabled, certain icons
don't come out intelligently.  To demonstrate what would happen if
the font-file was unavailable, you can use Firefox, go to about:config
and set "browser.display.use_document_fonts" to 0.

If the icons were mapped into spots that correspond to an actual
Unicode for something similar, they'd show up even if the fonts don't
load as long as the local font supports that code-point.  Examples:

- The envelope in the mailing-list sign-up boxes appears locally as a
  digital/8-segment-display "20". Unicode has an icon-designation for
  an envelope: "\N{ENVELOPE}" (U+2709).

- the "new page" icon that is used along the right side-bar could be
  "\N{PAGE FACING UP}" (U+1F4C4), "\N{DOCUMENT}" (U+1F5CE), or
  "\N{PAGE}" (U+1F5CF)

- the megaphone by the "Read More" could be mapped into "\N{CHEERING
  MEGAPHONE}" (U+1F4E3), "\N{BULLHORN}" (U+1F56B), or "\N{BULLHORN

- The three icons on the main page (lightning bold, lock, speedometer)
  at least two could use "\N{LIGHTNING MOOD}" (U+1F5F2) and
  "\N{LOCK}" (U+1F512). I wasn't able to come up with something in
  stock Unicode to signify scaling except possibly "\N{WORLD
  MAP}" (U+1F5FA)

- on the /start/ page, there are some plus-signs that would render if
  "\N{HEAVY PLUS SIGN}" (U+2795) was used instead. (I did notice that
  this page works well even if JS is disabled. Major kudos there!)

Based on the underlying CSS, it looks like there might be a lot more
than just the ones I discovered in the first 5min of reading.  I tend
to discover these font issues since I generally fly with the above FF
setting configured because some sites choose fonts that are hard for
me to read.  Disabling remote fonts solves that for me (FF doesn't
offer a more granular permission for font-loading, AFAIK).

They're not a major concern, but a nice-to-have.  I can paste this
into a Github issue if you want to track it there.


Links to the Unicode icons if you want examples:

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