On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 8:28 PM, Petar Pilipovic <iamr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello there this is maybea of topic but I wont to ask Django Core Team,
> did they now someone who is practising Django in Belgrade-Serbia, or
> Zagreb-Croatia, I now there is a strong Slovenia team there, but I was
> wondering about this area around Bosnia where I live in.
> I am asking because I was inspired by this post here
> http://blog.djangogirls.org/post/108268319658/django-girls-core-team-grows,
> and mine chat whit Daniel Roy Greenfel @pydanny
> <https://github.com/pydanny> over Twitter
> https://twitter.com/Coopsess/status/556665409693163520.
> So do you now eny one?

Hi Petar,

This isn't really a question for the Django core team, because Django Girls
isn't an official part of the Django project. We're excited to see the
great work that they're doing, and members of the core team help out with
Django Girls events whenever we get a chance - but they're an independent

There was an event in Ljubljana on 18 October, but the website doesn't list
any upcoming events in Serbia or Croatia.


If you'd like to organize an event, they're always looking for volunteers -
register your interest here:


and I'm sure they'll be in contact soon.

Russ Magee %-)

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