On 2015-02-07 22:05, Vijay Khemlani wrote:
> The direct solution would be something like this in your view
> events = Event.objects.order_by('event_date')
> event_tuples = []
> last_date_seen = None
> for event in events:
>     if last_date_seen:
>         date_difference = event.date - last_date_seen
>     else:
>         date_difference = None
>     event_tuples.push((event, date_difference))

In the past I've created something like this as a filter, which lets
it be fairly generic. I also make it a generator rather than keeping
them all around. Something like (I don't have the exact code on hand)

  from django import template
  register = template.base.Library()
  def pairwise(iterable, final=True):
    i = iter(iterable)
    a = next(i)
    for b in i:
      yield a, b
      a = b
    if final:
      yield a, None


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