
I have created an data migration script for populating one of
app db tables with data from a JSON file.  First I ran

    python manage.py makemigrations --empty TPP_App

(‘TPP_App’ is the name of my app) and then I added a custom
method called populate_db which will use bulk_create to add
multiple entries to the table, and then do a save() to write the
changes to the db.  At the moment the custom method is empty
because I am still working on it, but the script looks like this right

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from __future__ import unicode_literals

    from django.db import models, migrations

    def populate_db( apps, schema_editor ):
        print ‘Populating db from JSON file...'

    class Migration(migrations.Migration):

        dependencies = [
            ('TPP_App', '0003_auto_20150224_2024'),

        operations = [
                               migrations.RunPython( populate_db ),

How do I test this script to make sure the custom method works
as expected, before I run it fully?  Can I call this from the interpreter
and test it with the db API?

At the moment if I do

    python manage.py migrate

it reports there are no migrations to apply.


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