
I second the recommendation that Ashkat go with gunicorn+nginx for the same
reason Avraham does. Digital Ocean has a good walkthrough of how to set
that up here

One thing though is I would make sure to do it in stages when you are just
starting out. That way you always have some piece working and when some
thing isn't working you have a guess where that is:
1) First run through the tutorial with just a sqlite database and the
built-in webserver on port 8000.
2) Get nginx so that it is able to serve a static html file and you can see
its' logs (probably in /var/log/nginx)
3) Get nginx to be able to proxy_pass from port 80 to the built-in
webserver on port 8000
4) Get gunicorn able to serve on port 8000
5) Get nginx able to proxy to gunicorn on port 8000

And then you can also get the postgres database working, first by being
able to connect to it with dbshell, then by running migrations
and the built-in webserver and then the full stack.

Welcome aboard the django train,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avraham Serour <>
Date: Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: What is the ideal web server to use with Django?

My main reason for recommending nginx is the config file, they are simpler
than apache,
when developing an application you shouldn't spend much time configuring
the web server,
only after you reached so much traffic that it would make sense to spend
time with it
On May 14, 2015 12:26 PM, "Tom Evans" <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:36 AM, reduxionist <>
> wrote:
> > The question you asked Tom was "Doesn't Apache create new process for
> each
> > request [thus eating memory when serving large amounts of static files
> > during traffic peaks]?", and the reason that Tom correctly answers "No"
> is
> > that as far as "serving large amounts of static files" goes you should be
> > using mpm-worker (multi-threaded Apache) which most definitely does not
> > spawn a new process for each request.
> >
> > The reason for those search results is that mpm-prefork does, however,
> spawn
> > a process per request,
> No, really, it does not. It only spawns a new process when there are
> no available workers to process an incoming request, and you have not
> reached the maximum number of workers that you have configured it to
> start. You can configure it to start all the worker processes you want
> when it starts up, and never to kill them off, and it will never spawn
> a new process.
> Apache processes are small, unless you do daft things like embed your
> web application in each worker process (mod_php style). This is the
> main complaint "Apache is eating all my memory" - it isn't, your web
> application you've embedded into Apache is eating all your memory.
> All of this is irrelevant for django, because with Apache you should
> use mod_wsgi in daemon mode, which separates out your web application
> processes from the web server.
> > but it is only needed for non-thread-safe
> > environments (most notoriously mod_php) and you shouldn't have to use it
> as
> > long as you've been a good coder and avoided global state in your Django
> app
> > (e.g. keep request-specific shared-state thread-local).
> >
> > I think the reason a lot of people seem to run mpm-prefork is just that
> it's
> > the default multi-processing module for Apache on most (all?) *nix
> platforms
> > and they don't know any better.
> Quite. We run a pair of Apache 2.4 reverse proxies in front of all of
> our (400+) domains, serving around 40 million requests per day,
> providing SSL termination and static file serving. We use event MPM
> and we have it scaled to support a peak of 2048 simultaneous
> connections. Load on the server never goes above 0.2, memory usage
> never goes above 1GB for the entire OS + applications, the rest of the
> RAM is used by the OS to cache the aforementioned static files.
> On our app servers we typically use Apache with worker MPM and
> mod_wsgi, although we have a few nginx+uwsgi sites, and I would dearly
> love some time to play around with a circusd + chausette + celery
> setup.
> The choice of web server is, these days, irrelevant. If it uses too
> much memory or can't handle enough users, it is never the fault of the
> web server, but instead of your application and/or configuration.
> Which is why I return to my original advice:
> > I am new to Django. I am building a app which will have to handle several
> > concurrent requests. Which web server is suitable for this?
> Any and all.
> Leave the fanboyism to the phone guys.
> Cheers
> Tom
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