Hi Florian

It occurs to me that, you may want to install postgresql, a more powerful
database. Here is how to do so without root permissions:

conda install --channel https://conda.binstar.org/bkreider postgresql
which psql
createuser -s test_user1 --pwprompt --createdb --no-superuser
createdb -U test_user1 --locale=en_US.utf-8 -E utf-8 -O test_user1
test_database1 -T template0

This will install both postgres and the python-postgres adapter into the
isolated environment. It will then create a postgres user and ask you for a
password. I'll assume you gave it the password "testpass" for the purpose
of this tutorial. Then, it will create a database owned by that user and
using UTF-8 encoding.

Now, we just need to configure django use this. Open settings.py and at
line 77, change the DATABASES variable to look like

    'default': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
      'NAME': 'test_database1',
      'USER': 'test_user1',
      'PASSWORD': 'testpass',
      'HOST': 'localhost',
      'PORT': '5432',

Then you can set up your tables with

python manage.py migrate

You can also log in to the database with

python manage.py dbshell

On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:50 AM, Andrew Farrell <armorsmit...@gmail.com>

> Hello Florian,
> If you are having trouble installing python without root permissions, you
> should consider installing the miniconda
> <http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html> distribution of python that is
> used in the scientific computing community. Assuming you are on a linux
> server, you can do this with
> wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
> chmod +x ./Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
> ./Miniconda-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b
> conda update conda
> conda create --name try_django django
> source activate try_django
> This will set you up with an isolated conda environment (similar to a
> virtualenv environment) where you can install packages without touching
> anyone else's packages. From there you can do
> django-admin.py startproject test_project
> cd test_project
> python manage.py migrate
> python manage.py runserver
> And to get yourself set up with the django dev server running on top of
> sqlite.
> You can see the documentation for conda here <http://conda.io/>.
> On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 3:04 AM, x <ung...@zetteeh.net> wrote:
>> hello hello,
>> finally i was able to install a python instance on my shared-server.
>> it was also impossible to pip-install django. yeah.
>> but right then - so close already - i got a permission problem again.
>> i couldn't figure out exactly what django-admin.py wants to do/execute
>> and why it's
>> not satisfied with my nice brand new local python 2.7.9 instance..
>> muhhuuu.
>> this is the ssh prompt:
>> > (uiserver):u74138225:~/django_build >  django-admin.py startproject
>> test --user-
>> > bash:
>> /customers/homepages/45/d5012545412/htdocs/python27/bin/django-admin.py:
>> Permission denied
>> for any suggestions how to domesticate django on this shared server i'd
>> be very happy.
>> thanks and all the best
>> florian
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