Just to let you know that I got this snippet working now Gergely :-)
Thanks again for putting me on the right track.
What I didn't get though is why I need the " *args, **options". 
I read the doc but didn't grasp the why...

----------------------  snip  ----------------------
from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError

class Command(BaseCommand):
def handle(self, *args, **options):
from data.models import MyichiTickers
tickers_for_exchange = MyichiTickers.objects.filter(exchange="AMS")
for tickerlist in tickers_for_exchange:
----------------------  snip  ----------------------

Le dimanche 7 juin 2015 14:26:39 UTC+2, Oscar Buijten a écrit :
> Hi There,
> For various reasons I recently started efforts to covert an existing .php 
> application to pyhton + django.
> There are quite a few scripts that are executed through cron and so from 
> the command line while coding.
> I did find some info on how to setup the start of the script, but keep 
> running into an error I haven't been able to resolve so far.
> Using Python 2.7.x and django 1.8.x + postresql
> Script is starting with this:
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> import os,sys
> sys.path.append('/home/oscar/django/trading/myichimoku')
> os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']='myichimoku.settings'
> from models import MyichiTickers
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> The script lives in /home/oscar/django/trading/myichimoku/data in which 
> the models.py lives as well
> The error I get:
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "historic_data_collector.py", line 4, in <module>
>     from models import MyichiTickers
>   File "/home/oscar/django/trading/myichimoku/data/models.py", line 4, in 
> <module>
>     class AuthGroup(models.Model):
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/db/models/base.py", 
> line 131, in __new__
>     'app.' % (new_class.__name__, model_module.__name__)
> django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Unable to detect the app 
> label for model "AuthGroup." Ensure that its module, "models", is located 
> inside an installed app.
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> AuthGroup is the 1st table class in models.py
> My settings.py lives in: /home/oscar/django/trading/myichimoku/myichimoku/
> Here a snippet from the file:
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> # Application definition
>     'django.contrib.admin',
>     'django.contrib.auth',
>     'django.contrib.contenttypes',
>     'django.contrib.sessions',
>     'django.contrib.messages',
>     'django.contrib.staticfiles',
>     'data',
> )
> ----------------------  snip  ----------------------
> So the question is: how can I ensure to execute this script from the 
> command line with something like: python mycoolscript.py ?
> Any help greatly appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Oscar

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