On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Oscar Buijten <oscar.buij...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> The python learning curve seems to be steeper than expected :-(
> As yesterday, help converting my php app into python/django will be 
> appreciated.
> I have the following:
> --------------------  snip  -------------------

What does your MyichiHistoricalData model look like? That will be the
primary driver on how you extract the values into the right model

If your (required) model fields exactly match the ones provided by
your JSON data, creating/updating the models is probably something as
simple as what is shown in this SO post:


If this is a command that will update existing records in addition to
creating them (if this command runs at regular intervals), you may
also want to use update_or_create as opposed to the .update()
mentioned in the SO post.


Or if you are always going to create new objects based on the incoming
data, look into using bulk_create:


That will save queries and processing time, but be sure to read the caveats.

> I would need to get 'data' into the 'MyichiHistoricalData' model
> The output is like this;
> --------------------  snip  -------------------
> [{u'High': u'6.565', u'Symbol': u'AGN.AS', u'Adj_Close': u'6.31564', 
> u'Volume': u'4376000', u'Low': u'6.428', u'Date': u'2014-04-29', u'Close': 
> u'6.551', u'Open': u'6.435'}, {u'High': u'6.479', u'Symbol': u'AGN.AS', 
> u'Adj_Close': u'6.18742', u'Volume': u'3163200', u'Low': u'6.38', u'Date': 
> u'2014-04-28', u'Close': u'6.418', u'Open': u'6.428'}, {u'High': u'6.535', 
> u'Symbol': u'AGN.AS', u'Adj_Close': u'6.18259', u'Volume': u'4780100', 
> u'Low': u'6.379', u'Date': u'2014-04-25', u'Close': u'6.413', u'Open': 
> u'6.529'}]
> [{u'High': u'13.94', u'Symbol': u'AH.AS', u'Adj_Close': u'13.57496', 
> u'Volume': u'2706600', u'Low': u'13.70', u'Date': u'2014-04-29', u'Close': 
> u'13.92', u'Open': u'13.70'}, {u'High': u'13.735', u'Symbol': u'AH.AS', 
> u'Adj_Close': u'13.34091', u'Volume': u'2784700', u'Low': u'13.56', u'Date': 
> u'2014-04-28', u'Close': u'13.68', u'Open': u'13.565'}, {u'High': u'13.675', 
> u'Symbol': u'AH.AS', u'Adj_Close': u'13.23364', u'Volume': u'3012500', 
> u'Low': u'13.44', u'Date': u'2014-04-25', u'Close': u'13.57', u'Open': 
> u'13.545'}]
> --------------------  snip  -------------------
> Where I need help it so extract the keys and values and give them the correct 
> model field names in order to save them.
> It should be easy really, bt several hours of readin, searching, trial & 
> error haven't given me the trick yet....
> Any suggestions?

You may also want to have a look at the Django deserialization docs:
I'm not sure if they'll help since you are working with an external
data source.

Assuming that the 'Symbol' will be used as a natural key:

Another note: If you haven't already and before you go any further, be
sure to check with your legal team and with Yahoo!'s terms and
conditions on the use of Yahoo!'s finance data for your own
application. You may not be permitted to use their data in this manner
without some sort of agreement with Yahoo! and/or it's subsidiaries,
even though it is "freely" available through an API.

(Not a lawyer)

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