On Mon, 8 Jun 2015 10:12:17 -0700 (PDT)
Antonio Saponara <sapa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ExtJS is a REST *client* wich uses  basic CRUD calls to obtain great 
> results with *few lines of code*!

That is true.
> It supports CRUD, pagination, sorting and filtering out of the box! Please 
> respect also the 2nd class citizen :-|

Sure, thing is that there is no support for HATEOAS, unless you code it your 
self so it makes working with anything more than simple data real painful. With 
ExtJS you have to know out of band information or like we did, wrote custom 
stuff to make things work better way. Begin fighting with ExtJS last 6 I've get 
used to take nothing as granted.

And what's painful is that ExtJS can't save relations (at least version 4.x). 
Unless you enhance saving functionality to do that.
> Django-rest-framework of course is  server-side so it is incomparable! It 
> does a lot of things exactly like many other frameworks. The real point is 
> that you, as a programmer appreciate django for features, reliability, and 
> many other aspects, but your customers needs to see other things like 
> available developers, competitors, references etc etc
> I'd love to see django do the same thing i have done with my Zend proxy. 
> Manage a table's crud created in realtime with zero added code!

Well with Django admin you get all that. Plus nice way to view and edit your 
data. With a bit of additional definitions (coding iow) in admin parts you get 
even pretty good system to manage data, specially while you're developing.

> I mean, you configure the db connection, and every REST calls will manage 
> EVERY table in selected db via CRUD calls, automatically. 
> Without configuring table, keys, fields and so on.
> This can be a great way to  scaffold a prototype really fast!
> Once you are at an advanced stage, you can simply change the REST pointers 
> to a more advanced rest-server ;-)

Well DRF can do that, it requires a bit of code, but not hundreds of rows. See 
DRF generic views in the docs.

With a bit of coding you get all the goodies like nested (de)serialization 
(which ExtJS REST doesn't even support for writing OOTB)

But development speed was one of the big reasons why we chose Django (drf 
didn't existed though back then) and lately been adopting DRF.

And we, as our customers have been really happy with the choise. It's cheaper 
for our customers, and cheaper for us to develop.

One problem, as you noted as well, is to hire Python and Django pros.

Jani Tiainen

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