Hello All,

This may be the most basic question to ask and believe me it does not come 
without much research and frustration, but I just can't seem to make it 
work. So I do apologize ahead of time for even having to post it. I am very 
new to django (2-months), python(4-months) and in fact programming in 
general. I have reviewed the online doc sevral times now and various books 
and tutorials trying to find the answer.

However, I can't seem to get my template variables to render within the web 
page (crazy I know).

I've tried this many different ways and finally backed-up and stripped-down 
the code to see what it is I'm missing

*Here is what I have right now in the veiw:*

def response_page(request):
    myv = " fun fun fun "
    context = {'affirmation': myv}
    return render('/response_page/', context )

*Here is the template:*

<!DOCTYPE html>

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static %}
{% load crispy_forms_tags %}

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
{% block content %}
<h1>Testing 1,2,3</h1>

<p> I am having so much {{ affirmation }}   </p>

        <a href="/home/">Back to Home Page</a>

{% endblock %}

Everything shows up as expected except the variable "affirmation"  which of 
course should render as "fun fun fun".

I am sure I am missing something silly, but what?
Thanks in advance for the help.  I have very little hair left at this point 

Thank you all!

Humbly yours,

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