I need to update the object with its model form and passed the instance as
described in the django doc
However I am having two problems when saving the form:

   1. When I change the title and submit the form,  the image field gets
   blank and it gives me an error that the image field is required. However
   when the image is changed and not the title, it does not give any error.
   2. If everything works and submits the form, it creates a new snap
   object instead of updating the instance object.

In the views I tried using both the obj.save() and obj.update(), but
nothing helped. Please help me how to solve this problem. I will really
appreciate your help Thank you.


class SnapForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = Snap
        fields = ['title', 'description', 'image', 'upload_date']


def admin_snap_settings(request, snap_id):
    if not request.user.is_admin:
        return render(request, 'admin_login_invalid.html')
        instance = Snap.objects.get(id=snap_id)
        if request.user == instance.user:
            if request.method == "POST":
                form = SnapForm(request.POST, request.FILES,
                if form.is_valid():
                form = SnapForm(instance=instance)
            return render(request, 'admin_snap_settings.html', {
                'form': form
            return render(request, 'wrong_user.html')

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