[ I realize what I am trying to do might be a prime example of abusing the 
admin. The real answer to my question might very well be: 'sorry - the 
admin is just not made for that', and that is fine. The main reason I am 
asking this is to learn more myself - and most importantly to rule out 
other problems in my setup ]


I have a model with ~200000 records and growing (is that "much"?). I can 
visit the /admin/app/model/ url in the Admin and get a listing of all the 
records/instances - but when I click on one of the actual instance - i.e. 
something /admin/app/model/12345/ the application times out (30 seconds on 
Heroku). The model in question is quite simple:

model A:
    foreignKey( B )
    foreignkey( C )
    float( )

model B
    foreignkey( D )
    foreignkey( D )
    foreignkey( E )

The relationship between A and B is 'nearly' one-to-one; i.e. there are 
roughly as many rows of A as there rows of B (The B model is currently not 
in the admin). For the other model C.D,E,.. the relationship is extremely 
'many-to-few' - i.e. the database only contains a handful of C,D,E, 
instances. I was wondering if something like prefetching foreign keys??? 
brought the whole thing to its knees?

The site is actually mainly an API - and the model in question is also 
exposed through a Django Rest Framework (DRF) endpoint:

List view - times out: https://friskby.herokuapp.com/sensor/api/datavalue/

One element - OK: https://friskby.herokuapp.com/sensor/api/datavalue/10000/

So - for the DRF configuration the situation is actually opposite; 
accessing the whole list times out (I have not done anything to configure 
pagination - so this might be OK?); whereas fetching one element is snappy. 
The admin site is password protected - but it only contains test-data and I 
would be happy provide login details if someone want's to take a look.

If someone can shed some light on this I would be very grateful.


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