I am using Django for a web app.Today I used command :

../manage.py makemessages -l zh_CN 

to create the .po file.But nothing hanppend without printing the

processing locale zh_CN

Why?In my settins.py,all things about I18N was set.

LANGUAGE_CODE = 'zh-hans'

TIME_ZONE = 'Asia/Shanghai'

USE_I18N = True

USE_L10N = True

USE_TZ = True

LOCALE_PATHS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'locale'),)

Does anyone know how to deal?
Many thanks


django-admin makemessages -l zh_CN

is still the same result.

My app is 'enterprise' and 'myauth'.

My directories structure is:

.├── Web├── captcha├── collected_static├── demo├── dict├── enterprise│   ├── 
migrations│   ├── static│   ├── templates│   ├── templatetags│   └── view├── 
locale├── logs├── myauth│   ├── form│   ├── locale│   ├── migrations│   ├── 
static│   ├── templates│   └── views├── static│   ├── bootstrap│   ├── d3│   
├── img│   ├── jquery│   └── nvd3└── templates

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