> A second batch of tests?
> I am unsure if I understood you: Do you mean new tests, or running the same
> tests again, with a different settings file?

I meant the latter. Sorry for not being clear.

> If the first: write new tests: How should these tests be different from
> the existing tests?
> If the second: Why not run the test with the settings which have
> string_if_invalid enabled in the first run?
> What do you gain by running the tests twice?

The two sets of tests could potentially provide two sets of differing
results. The development setting you want to change is known to negatively
interact with templates used by the Django admin and probably third-party
applications that provide templates, per the link that you provided. With
that setting changed, you are testing an application that intentionally
behaves differently than what will be seen in production. That makes me

For me, that means running two sets of tests. One of them will closely
match the production settings (probably the settings file you're using
now), and the other can be tweaked to potentially catch edge-cases or other
uncommon bugs that you can/have run in to, or other failure points that may
not be easily exposed by the standard settings file. Perhaps the second
customized set of tests may not be something that you build into your CI,
but may be part of a manual examination performed at various milestones. It
would depend on your workflow and CI process, and how often you think these
particular bugs may present themselves. Maybe only as a pre-release final

Or, if you don't use the admin or any 3rd party applications, you may be
safe in enabling it. I personally wouldn't unless I was also doing so in


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