Hi Joshua,

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 2:23 AM, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com>

> Hello,
> We at PgConf.US (a 501c3 PostgreSQL conference) are looking for a
> community team to staff a community booth at PgConf.US 2016!. Here are the
> details:
> PgConf.US is held in NYC and the 2016 version is happening April 18-20th
> at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott and we are expecting at least 500
> PostgreSQL community members. In the interest of Open Source collaboration
> we would like to invite ~ 12 community projects to attend and have a table
> in our exhibition hall. Further, the party on the 19th is open to all, door
> fee of 20.00 for non conference attendees. We are hoping to drive it up to
> a 1000 person social!
> The details are as follows:
> * Exhibit on 04/19 - 04/20
> * 5 foot table (free) in community pavilion
> * 10% discount code for conference to help you promote your community
> attendance.
> * 5 free full admission passes (including party, not including training)
> Party link: http://www.meetup.com/postgresql-3/events/229101241/
> Conference link: http://www.pgconf.us/
> Is this something your community would be interested in?

Quite possibly - but the django-users mailing list isn’t the best place to
ask; this is the general purpose mailing list for “how do I” type
questions. If you haven’t already, I’d suggest contacting the Django
Software Foundation directly (foundat...@djangoproject.com) - they’ll be in
a better position to rally the community behind something like this.

Russ Magee %-)

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