Hi Tom,

First - the last "nohup pythjon... manage.py runserver" *IS* running your development server. When running in a production setup, you don't want that in there at all.

In general the TxtDrive setup has the django-fcgi.py script running the actual django code, and it talks across a named socket that you have defined with the --socket option.

Your lighttpd.conf file should have that same socket defined in it's config file (I'd need to see it to tell you if you have it correctly set up), and it communicates to the python instances through that socket and presents the results on the port that it is configured to talk out.

The TxtDrive apache front end is generally set up with a proxy that re-routes the traffic from port 80 on your host setup to the port that lighttpd is running. That port was assigned by the TxtDrive staff.


On 11/8/06, Tom Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Now I know that it is always hard to comment on specifics but I have
just discovered something very strange on my server.... and could
someone please help...

I am running Django on Textdrive which requires Lightpd. I went
through the setup... and boy that was difficult, so many config files
and calls but eventually I got it running...But my server was really

I then tweaked my lighttpd.conf file and it all fell over... I was
panicking... but then noticed people were still accessing my
server... what? how?

So.. what I have now discovered is that, because of an Apache
directive to map / onto /my_port_number... ACTUALLY, lighttpd isn't
serving the pages at all... apache is... and my django install is
running in development mode!!!!!!! (I think)...

I'd followed the Lighttp The Painless Way, http://
manuals.textdrive.com/read/chapter/62 , and somewhere, somehow I've
messed it up...

Could someone explain how the hell the django-fcgi.py,  main.fcgi,
lighttpd.conf, apache and django work together.... or even better
help me...

I had created some scripts to try to
        a. start the django-fcgi.py stuff
        b. start lighttpd
        c. start django...
But they fail at b... giving me...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] $ 2006-11-08 11:07:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.1048) the
fastcgi-backend /home/tomsmith/domains/burningahole.co.uk/web/public/
django-fcgi.py failed to start:
2006-11-08 11:07:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.1052) child exited with status 0 /
2006-11-08 11:07:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.1055) if you try do run PHP as
FastCGI backend make sure you use the FastCGI enabled version.
You can find out if it is the right one by executing 'php -v' and it
should display '(cgi-fcgi)' in the output, NOT (cgi) NOR (cli)
For more information check http://www.lighttpd.net/documentation/
2006-11-08 11:07:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.1060) If this is PHP on Gentoo
add fastcgi to the USE flags
2006-11-08 11:07:16: (mod_fastcgi.c.1356) [ERROR]: spawning fcgi failed.
2006-11-08 11:07:16: (server.c.834) Configuration of plugins failed.
Going down.

... but at some point it DID work (even if it wasn't actually
responsible for serving the files)

Any advice gratefully received...

SHOULD my server.document-root be set to my django instance, with
port number? rather than.../home/tomsmith/domains/burningahole.co.uk/


p.s my scripts were...

python /users/home/tomsmith/domains/burningahole.co.uk/web/public/
django-fcgi.py --projects=/users/home/tomsmith/domains/
burningahole.co.uk/bah/ --settings=bah.settings
django.socket --daemon

/usr/local/sbin/lighttpd -f /home/tomsmith/domains/burningahole.co.uk/

nohup python /users/home/tomsmith/domains/burningahole.co.uk/bah/
manage.py runserver www.burningahole.com:port_number &

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