
I have a json file describing an object that I want to import into my
app. For that purpose, I want to upload it using a form field and fill
a ModelForm so the contents can be checked and edited by a user before
saving it to the database.  This is what I'm currently doing:

# in forms.py
class MyObjectRequestForm(forms.ModelForm):
    Form for generating a MyObject from a json file
    class Meta:
        model = MyObject
        exclude = ()

# in views.py
class MyObjectFromFile(LoginRequiredMixin, View):

    def post(self, request):
        generate Form from json in 'message_file' parameter.
        context = dict()
        received_object = json.load(request.FILES['message_file'])
        new_my_object = MyObject()
        context['form'] = MyObjectRequestForm(model_to_dict(new_my_object))
        return render(request, 'myapp/my_object_form.html', context)

I already have a CreateView and UpdateView for this kind of object so
I probably should inherit from one of those to take advantage of the
``get_success_url`` method and to avoid writing a completely new view
for editing Objects, but it seems that those views can only deal with
objects that already are in the database.  So is there a more
idiomatic way to solve this or am I stuck with the above solution?
On another note, there are several Models I want to work with in
this way so it would be even better if I could select the model
class according to the contents of the json file.

Kind regards,


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