Hi everyone! I put Celery in my Django app so that the two other python 
programs can process the input from my Django app via doing subprocess 
My question is how do I access the output from the subprocess? Back then 
when I made just a python program, I access the log files (output from the 
two apps) via stdout and stderr. Is this the same when I use Celery in 
Django? Is the value of CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND (if I should assign my Django 
app's db here) affected by the log files?

So far what I've done is:
1. Access the two apps via subprocess in my tasks.py
2. I assigned my broker's db, Redis, as my db for now for 
CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND. My plan is to get the log files and then save them 
to my Django app's db so that I can just access that db.

Can you offer some help?

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