HI All,
I'm new in Django and in Web-Development. Therefore I'm a little confused 
I have taken over a Django project and first I want to upgrade it to the 
actual version.
Now I was doing the migration to Django 1.9.12 and struggling with the 
following problem:

Using ModelFormMixin (base class of MFormsView) without the 'fields' attribute 
is prohibited.
My views.py is having a class which is defined like:
class MFormsView(LoginRequiredMixin, MFView):
    template_name = 'temps/cnfg_form.html'
    form_classes = {
        'abc': abcForm,
        'md': mdForm,

There is a separate module mfview.py which contains a class MFView:
class MFView(ProcessFormView):
    A mixin that processes multiple forms on POST. Every form must be
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        form_classes = self.get_form_classes()
        forms = self.get_forms(form_classes)
        return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(forms=forms))

The forms passed to the get_context_data contains the 'abc': abcForm and 
the 'md': mdForm.
Form both ModelForms abcForm and mdForm the fields are defined.

The template uses the forms and fields like:
<div class="col-md-5">{{ forms.abc.days }}</div>
or (in the same template)
<div class="col-md-13 checkbox col-sm-pad">{{ forms.md.started }}</div>

This worked well like that until Django 1.8, but now with Django 1.9 the 
following error occurs:

> Using ModelFormMixin (base class of MFormsView) without the 'fields' 
> attribute is prohibited.
Now my question:
1.) Why do I get this message, as the fields are defined in both ModelForms?
2.) What is the best way to include 2 different forms into the same 
template? Do you have an example?


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