
the i18n docs say, params in template tags can be translated like this:
{% some_special_tag _("Page not found") value|yesno:_("yes,no") %}

This doesn't work for me. I have written a simple template tag that swaps 
filenames depending on the request language. It takes three parameters and i 
want to translate the 3rd in the template like this:
{% i18n_img "img/foo_en.png" LANGUAGE_CODE _("bar") %}

Here's the error i get:
VariableDoesNotExist at /news/
Failed lookup for key [_("bar")] in [{'posts': [<Post: test1>, <Post: 
test2>]}, {'LANGUAGES': (('de', 'German'), 
('en', 'English')), 'LANGUAGE_BIDI': False, 'LANGUAGE_CODE': 'de'}, {}, 
{'perms': <django.core.context_processors.PermWrapper object at 
0xb635096c>, 'messages': [], 'user': <User: dirk>}, {}]

Tags are loaded at top of the template:
{% load i18n i18n_img %}

Is this a bug, or am i doing something wrong?

Best Regards,
Dirk Eschler

Dirk Eschler <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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