Cancel this question. We will force the user to comply with our reality.



On 16/05/2017 5:42 PM, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
I have a user who is keen to revert to the "old" 1.8 look and feel for his company now that we have upgraded to 1.10.

First question is it even possible?

I have tested this using blunt force and at first glance it *seems* possible in both directions. However I have a suspicion there might be tie-ins I have not discovered. Also. I haven't yet tried 1.11.

If it is feasible ...

Second question is how to do it.

I have stared long and hard at settings. I have this ...

    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/').replace('\\', '/'),
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'company/static/').replace('\\', '/'),
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'substance/static/').replace('\\', '/'),
    os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'workplace/static/').replace('\\', '/'),



and I can get the user (company) from the request and I can create a company subdir under 'company/static/<company>/' if that's where I should be putting the admin files from 1.8. But then how do I tweak the settings so the Admin uses the preferred company static files for just that user?

Maybe instead, there is a company specific preference I can establish to provide '/static/admin_1.8' for that user?

Maybe I need to have company-specific Admin templates which override the block which reads the static files based on a company preference?

Any hints?



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