
I am combining querysets of the same model in the following manner:

class ExampleModel(models.Model):
    many_field1 = models.ManyToManyField('Model', related_name='name1')
    many_field2 = models.ManyToManyField('Model', related_name='name2')

    def combined_many_fields(self):
        qs1 = self.many_field1.all().order_by('some', 'fields')
        qs2 = self.many_field2.all().order_by('some', 'fields')

        return qs1 | qs2

The result of the above code is that the order_by() methods are applied 
after the querysets are combined. This means that the two querysets can 
intermingle. I want them to be sorted before combination, not after, and 
retain being a queryset.

There are ways to force the evaluation of the individual querysets first 
and return a combination in the preferred order.

    def combined_many_fields(self): 

        from itertools import chain

       return chain(qs1, qs2)

However, this is no longer a queryset, and therefore cannot be operated on 
with subsequent queryset methods. Is there a way to apply the ordering 
first and retain the queryset nature of the combination?

Am I trying to do something that is outside the scope of a queryset?

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