
I would recommend that you checkout how django uses storage backends. The
reason for that is that if you would like to use your application with a
cloud provider that has a storage solution - for example S3, your code
won't work the way it is written now.

However if you just make some minor changes - it will work directly without
any major problems.

Just do this:


from django.core.files.storage import default_storage

def download(request):
    data = default_storage.open('static/tmp/dati.csv').read()
    resp = HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/x-download')
    resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=dati.csv'
    return resp

Like I said, the reason for this is that you in the case don't have to
handle the MEDIA_ROOT settings yourself and it all works the same anyway.
Should you decide to move to a cloud provider that has some sort of storage
- you can then use the django-storages package and easily connect it,
without changing your code.



2017-09-07 10:33 GMT+02:00 giuseppe ricci <peppepega...@gmail.com>:

> Thanks.
> My solution:
> urls.py
> url(r'^download/$', 'views.download', name='download'),
> template.html
> <p><a href="/download/">Download dei dati</a><p><p><a
> href="home">Indietro</a></p>
> views.py
> def download(request):
> data = open(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'static/tmp/dati.csv'),
> 'r').read()
> resp = HttpResponse(data, mimetype='application/x-download')
> resp['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=dati.csv'
> return resp
> it works!
> Il giorno giovedì 31 agosto 2017 17:58:27 UTC+2, giuseppe ricci ha scritto:
>> Hi guys, I need some help to insert a link to download a file. In a view
>> I read data from a csv file and I show them in a table in a template. Under
>> the table I need to insert, when there are data,
>> a link similar as Download data and when user click it, he download the
>> datafile, previously I wrote the same data in a csv file. You can see a
>> part of interested view and the template to show data.
>> In the code doesn't download anything.
>> views.py
>> listafile = os.listdir('static/dati')
>>         fileok=[]
>>         context={}
>>         i=0
>>         for file in listafile:
>>             inizio=str(file[0:4]).strip()
>>             if inizio==anno:
>>                 fileok.append(file)
>>             elif inizio=='coun':
>>                 contaf=str(file[6:10]).strip()
>>                 if contaf==anno:
>>                     fileok.append(file)
>>             else:
>>                 pass #print "File NON trovato", inizio, anno
>>         for nomefile in fileok:
>>             nomedato=str(nomefile[5:-4]).strip()
>>             if nomedato==tipodati:
>>                 path2file=str(("static/dati/"+str(nomefile)).strip())
>>                 with open(path2file) as f:
>>                     for line in f:
>>                         riga = line.split(";")
>>                         if riga[0]==cciaa:
>>                             context[i]=line
>>                             i=i+1
>>         #print "context", context
>>         d2 = {  k:v.split(";") for k,v in context.items() }
>>         j=0
>>         datilist={}
>>         field_names = ['Provincia CCIAA', 'Data Ora', 'Numero REA',
>> 'Forma Giuridica', 'Count dati']
>>         f=open('static/tmp/dati.csv', 'w')
>>         writer = csv.writer(f) #questa definisce la variabile writer
>> usata x scrivere i dati nel file csv!!!
>>         writer.writerow(field_names)
>>         while j<len(d2):
>>             datilist[j]=[d2[j][0], d2[j][3], d2[j][5], d2[j][7],
>> d2[j][10].rstrip(), ''] #
>>             writer.writerow(datilist[j])
>>             j=j+1
>>         return render_to_response('showdata.html',
>> context_instance=RequestContext(request, {'dictdati': datilist} ))
>>     else:
>>         return render_to_response('home.html',
>> context_instance=RequestContext(request, {'var': d} ))
>> def showdata(request):
>>     return render_to_response('showdata.html',
>> context_instance=RequestContext(request, context))
>> showdata.html
>> <div class="container">
>>         <div class="jumbotron">
>>         <h1>Statistiche Dkey</h1>
>>         <p>Ecco in forma tabellare i dati richiesti..</p>
>>         <form method="post" action="/getdata/">
>>             <style>
>>               table { width: 90%; background-color: #FFFFFF; color:
>> #000000; }
>>               th, td { width: 4%; }
>>             </style>
>>               <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
>> align="center">
>>                 <thead>
>>                 <tr>
>>                   <th>Nome</th>
>>                   <th>Data_Ora</th>
>>                   <th>Numero</th>
>>                   <th>Forma</th>
>>                   <th>Count</th>
>>                 </tr>
>>                 </thead>
>>                 <tbody>
>>                 <tr>
>>                   {% for key, item in dictdati.items %}
>>                       {% for idx in item %}
>>                         {% if idx != '' %}
>>                           <td>{{ idx }}</td>
>>                         {% else %}
>>                         <tr><td></td></tr>
>>                         {% endif %}
>>                       {% endfor %}
>>                   {% endfor %}
>>                 <tr>
>>                 </tbody>
>>               </table>
>>         </form>
>>         <p><a href="{{ MEDIA_URL }}/dati.csv">Download dei dati</a><p>
>>         </div>
>>     </div> <!-- /container -->
>> Can someone give me some suggestion? Other posts didn't aided me.
>> Thanks.
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