
I got your solution. Just one question, as I posted, I am using CBV. How 
can I do it using CBV?



Em sábado, 4 de novembro de 2017 21:46:05 UTC-2, Jani Tiainen escreveu:
> Hi.
> Using formset to handle profile is a bit incorrect solution.
> See 
> http://musings.tinbrain.net/blog/2015/jun/10/updating-two-models-single-post/ 
> for proper solution.
> 5.11.2017 0.01 "Luiz Guilherme Schiefler de Arruda" <lgu...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> kirjoitti:
>> Hello folks,
>> I'm studying Django and everything was ok until this morning. After 
>> creating a form using inlineformset_factory, I can't create an user. I got 
>> this error when creating the user inside the form I've created:
>> Exception Value: 
>> UNIQUE constraint failed: accounts_profile.user_id
>> Analising and debugging a little, I think that the error occurs because, 
>> on this SQL line code (generated automatically by django) it tries to save 
>> a String inside an integer field (user_id).
>>    - 
>> /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.5/lib/python3.5/site-packages/django/db/backends/utils.py
>>     in execute
>>    1. 
>>                       return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
>>       ...
>>    ▼ Local vars <>
>>    VariableValue
>>    params 
>>    [19, '', None, None, 'F', '', '', '']
>>    self 
>>    <django.db.backends.utils.CursorDebugWrapper object at 0x10d94fc18>
>>    sql 
>>    ('INSERT INTO "accounts_profile" ("user_id", "location", "birthdate", 
>> "role", '
>>     '"gender", "site_facebook", "site_twitter", "profile_picture") VALUES 
>> (%s, '
>>     '%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)')
>>    1. 
>>                profile_formset.save()
>>    ...
>> ▼ Local vars <>
>> VariableValue
>> __class__ 
>> <class 'accounts.views.CreateUser'>
>> context 
>> {'form': <FormSignUp bound=True, valid=Unknown, 
>> fields=(username;email;password1;password2)>,
>>  'profile': <django.forms.formsets.ProfileFormFormSet object at 0x10d934518>,
>>  'view': <accounts.views.CreateUser object at 0x10d9436d8>}
>> form 
>> <FormSignUp bound=True, valid=True, 
>> fields=(username;email;password1;password2)>
>> profile_formset 
>> <django.forms.formsets.ProfileFormFormSet object at 0x10d934518>
>> self 
>> <accounts.views.CreateUser object at 0x10d9436d8>
>> Here is the codes:
>> models.py
>> class Profile(models.Model):
>> user = models.OneToOneField(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
>> location = models.CharField(max_length=30, blank=True)
>> birthdate = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
>> profile_picture = models.ImageField(upload_to='profile_pictures', 
>> blank=True)
>> def __str__(self):
>> return self.user.username
>> @property
>> def age(self):
>> TODAY = datetime.date.today()
>> if self.birthdate:
>> return u"%s" % relativedelta.relativedelta(TODAY, self.birthdate).years
>> else:
>> return None
>> @receiver(post_save, sender=User)
>> def create_or_update_user_profile(sender, instance, created, **kwargs):
>> if created:
>> Profile.objects.create(user=instance)
>> instance.profile.save()
>> forms.py
>> class FormSignUp(UserCreationForm):
>> email = forms.CharField(max_length=254, required=True, 
>> widget=forms.EmailInput())
>> class Meta:
>> model = User
>> fields = ['username', 'email', 'password1', 'password2']
>> class FormProfile(forms.ModelForm):
>> class Meta:
>> model = Profile
>> fields = ['birthdate', 'gender', 'site_facebook', 'site_twitter', 
>> 'profile_picture']
>> FormSetProfile = inlineformset_factory(User, Profile, form=FormProfile)
>> view.py
>> class CreateUser(CreateView):
>>     form_class = FormSignUp
>>     template_name = 'signup.html'
>>     success_url = reverse_lazy('home')
>>     def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
>>         data = super(CreateUser, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
>>         if self.request.POST:
>>             data['profile'] = FormSetProfile(self.request.POST)
>>         else:
>>             data['profile'] = FormSetProfile()
>>         return data
>>     def form_valid(self, form):
>>         context = self.get_context_data()
>>         profile_formset = context['profile']
>>         with transaction.atomic():
>>             form.instance.created_by = self.request.user
>>             form.instance.updated_by = self.request.user
>>             self.object = form.save()
>>         if profile_formset.is_valid():
>>             profile_formset.instance = self.object
>>             profile_formset.save() # Linha onde está dando o erro
>>         return super(CreateUser, self).form_valid(form)
>> Thanks for your help
>> Luiz Guilherme
>> -- 
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