I'm in the process of upgrading a website from Django 1.4 and I'm run into 
a problem of getting my code that shows a form on almost every page 
migrated.  I eventually want to upgrade to Django 1.11 but I'm currently 
working on upgrading from Django 1.4 to Django 1.5.  I have a “request 
information” form on each page except for a few sign-up pages.  

In Django 1.4 I used direct_to_template for most of the website.  I have a 
<base.html> that is inheirted by each page.  For example <home.html>, 
<about-us.html>, etc. inherit  from <base.html>.  In <base.html> I load the 
right columns html with 
    “{% block rightColumn  %} {%include "site/rightColumn.html"%}  
and then in <rightColumn.html> I load the form's html with 
    “{%include "site/reqInfoForm.html"%}”.      

To get the from on each page I used middleware similar to this 
I created a class with a method “def process_view(self, request, view_func, 
view_args, view_kwargs)”.  In the method if a POST request and not one of 
the signup pages then I create a form instance from the request and if the 
form is valid then process it then redirect to thanks page, otherwise 
attach the form to the request so that I can show the errors in the form 

This worked perfectly in Django 1.4 though it seemed like a hack.

While upgrading to Django 1.5 in the url.py I switched from 
“direct_to_template” to “TemplateView.as_view”.  Now when there is an error 
in the form (i.e., leave a required field blank), I get an error “"POST / 
HTTP/1.1" 405 0” while running with the local server.  When I did some 
research, it appears TemplateView doesn't have a POST method.

It seems one way may be to add TemplateView for each page but it seems like 
I would have to add a post method for each page(or maybe a mixin).  Any 
thoughts on this method?  I found another method using context processors 
but I'm not following it.  Also any suggestions on other ways of adding a 
form to almost all pages?

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