I've been trying to add persistence to channel layers, such that each new 
consumer joining a group is sent the most recent message from that group, 
on connect. Below are my attempts. For some reason, the message in the 
highlighted line always seems to be of type 'None'. Am I going about this 
completely incorrectly? I'd be really grateful for any help.

from channels_redis.core import RedisChannelLayer
from channels.exceptions import ChannelFull
import time

class RedisChannelLayerGroupPersistence(RedisChannelLayer):

    async def group_send(self, group, message):
        Sends a message to the entire group.
        assert self.valid_group_name(group), "Group name not valid"
        # Retrieve list of all channel names
        key = self._group_key(group)
        pers_key = str(key) + "_PERS"
        async with self.connection(self.consistent_hash(group)) as 
            # Discard old channels based on group_expiry
            await connection.zremrangebyscore(key, min=0, max=int(time.time
()) - self.group_expiry)
            # Return current lot
            channel_names = [
                x.decode("utf8") for x in
                await connection.zrange(key, 0, -1)
        # TODO: More efficient implementation (lua script per shard?)  try:
            await connection.persist(pers_key)
            await connection.set(pers_key, str(message))
            print("TYPE = ================================================ 

        for channel in channel_names:
                await self.send(channel, message)
            except ChannelFull:

    async def group_add(self, group, channel):

        Adds the channel name to a group.
        # Check the inputs
        assert self.valid_group_name(group), "Group name not valid"
        assert self.valid_channel_name(channel), "Channel name not valid"
        # Get a connection to the right shard
        group_key = self._group_key(group)
        pers_key = str(group_key) + "_PERS"
        async with self.connection(self.consistent_hash(group)) as 
            message = await connection.get(pers_key) #ISSUE HERE 
------------------ MESSAGE IS NONE
            # Add to group sorted set with creation time as timestamp
            await connection.zadd(
            # Set expiration to be group_expiry, since everything in
            # it at this point is guaranteed to expire before that
                await self.send(channel, str(message))
            except ChannelFull:

        await connection.expire(group_key, self.group_expiry)

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