Hi fellow Django users,

I'm planning to start up a homepage for my familys summer house.

There are a few ideas of what should be there, user management, possibly "blog like" entries, a photo gallery etc. I think I've found some pretty good existing Django apps for that, so that shouldn't be a problem to integrate them together somehow.

A really cool feature though, would be to have some kind of reservation/booking system where any (authenticated) user can see when the house has been reserved and when it's available.

Ideally, a non-admin user can request a range of dates, and an admin can then accept or decline that request. Naturally, there can only be one reservation on a range of dates.

I have found a few calendar/booking like applications, but I'm not sure if any of them really fits my purpose.

I could write all the code myself, but it would be a lot easier for me if an existing project already supports something similar that I could integrate.

Anyone who has any experience with doing something that or could recommend where I should look?

Thanks a lot!

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

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