MC wrote:
> Problem:
> I order dates and null values in ascending order under MySQL. To my
> surprise, null values are listed first, then actual dates. Turns out
> that in MySQL, null values are LOWER than non-null values, whereas
> Postgresql is the reverse. As outlined here
>, it seems the only way
> to reverse the order is by prepending a - sign and switching from ASC
> to DESC. Unfortunately, this is the same syntax Django uses for
> ordering!
> Solution:
> I couldn't think of an easy solution through the model API or using
> custom managers. I suppose I could write custom SQL, but it would be
> nicer to use the model API. I could use a default value like the year
> 3000 and filter for display. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help!

You could use extra() to add an expression column and then order by
that. Something like:

>>> s = Strategy.objects.all().extra(select={'mycol': 'case when name is null 
>>> then 1 else 0 end'}).order_by('mycol', 'name')

This adds a new column to the select using the case expression and
aliased to 'mycol' which you can then reference in the order_by()
clause. By making null's have a value of 1, it forces them to be sorted
below non-nulls.


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