On 12/14/06, kbochert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can't ccut and paste from a dos box. Fortunately I just discovered
> that I can redirect stderr using '2>' !!

Ahh, I think I see what's happening. Django 0.95 is reasonably old
now, and by default, it tries to download setuptools 0.6c1, for
Python2.5. However, there is no 0.6c1 for Python2.5, the only one they
have available is 0.6c3.

So here's the easiest thing to try: In the Django 0.95 folder, there
should be a file called ez_setup.py. In it, near the top, is the
following line:


Change that to


And give the install a try again. If that doesn't work, then try
installing setuptools separately, by itself.

In the current SVN version of Django, the setuptools stuff has been
removed (at least, it was removed at one point, don't know if that's
true anymore). So this won't be a problem in the future.

You just happened to be one of the few people running Python2.5 and
Django 0.95. Most people running 2.5 are probably running Django out
of SVN, where this isn't an issue.

Let me know if this doesn't work.

Jay P.

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