No form validation is implemented for UniqueConstraint(condition) yet as 
that would require
a non-trivial refactor of how it's performed. It was discussed during the 
feature development[0].

I'd suggest you override you form or your model's clean() method to perform 
the validation
yourself until built-in support is added.

Submitting a new Trac ticket so we don't loose track of the issue would 
also be appreciated.



Le mardi 9 avril 2019 07:29:53 UTC-4, Ryan Jarvis a écrit :
> Hey there,
> I'm trying out the new UniqueConstraint functionality in Django 2.2 and 
> seem to be misunderstanding something.  When adding a Constraint to the 
> model I am getting an uncaught IntegrityError in the admin.  
> I've got the following sample code:
> **
> class Seminar(models.Model):
>     seminar_id = models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
>     members = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='SeminarRole', 
> related_name="studies")
> class SeminarRole(models.Model):
>     LEAD = 1  # Only 1 Lead permitted per seminar
>     SUPPORT = 2
>     ROLE_CHOICES = (
>         (LEAD, 'Lead'),
>         (SUPPORT, 'Support'),
>     )
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name='seminar_roles', 
> on_delete=models.CASCADE)
>     seminar = models.ForeignKey('seminar', related_name='roles', 
> on_delete=models.CASCADE)
>     role = models.IntegerField(choices=ROLE_CHOICES)
>     class Meta:
>         constraints = [
>             models.UniqueConstraint(fields=['seminar'], 
> condition=Q(role=1), name="only_one_lead"),
>         ]
> For the code above in the Django Admin I can successfully add a 
> SeminarRole with User1 as the Lead for SeminarA, User2 as the Lead for 
> SeminarB, and User1 as Support for SeminarB but if I try and add User2 as 
> another Lead to SeminarA it gives me an Exception.  Should I be seeing the 
> Django Admin catch this before hand?
> IntegrityError at /admin/study_management/seminarrole/add/
> duplicate key value violates unique constraint "only_one_lead"
> DETAIL:  Key (seminar_id)=(1) already exists.
> I'm on Django 2.2, Python 3.7 and Postgres 11.2

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