I'm experiencing issues on creating fixtures for a particular model in a 
test class with Django and the DRF. 
I'm using model-mommy 
<https://model-mommy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>, but even 
creating a single instance just using the Django ORM for that model does 
not work:

*    from rest_framework.test import APIRequestFactory, APITestCase*
*    from model_mommy import mommy*

*    from api.v1 import views*
*    from company.models.models import CompanyUserProfile, ManagerRelation, 

*    User = get_user_model()*

*    class APIViewsTestCase(APITestCase):*

*        @classmethod*
*        def setUpTestData(cls):*
*            supervisory_id = "1337"*
*            emp_group_id = "119"*
*            prd_scope_id = "1334"*
*            user = mommy.make(User)*
*            setattr(cls, 'user', user)*
*            company_user_profile_1 = mommy.make(CompanyUserProfile)*
*            requestor = mommy.make(*
*                CompanyUserProfile, is_manager=True,*
*                supervisory_id=supervisory_id, emp_group_id=emp_group_id,*
*                prd_scope_id=prd_scope_id, user=user*
*            )*
*            cls.user = user*
*            manager_relation = mommy.make(*
*                ManagerRelation, manager_id=requestor.id, mgr_type="Direct 
Mgr", _quantity=5*
*            )*
*            dynamic_relations = mommy.make(*
*                DynamicRelation,target_id=requestor.id, _quantity=5*
*            )*

*        def setUp(self) -> None:*
*            super().setUp()*
*            self.client.force_authenticate(user=self.user)*

*        def test_employee_view(self):*
*            CompanyUserProfile.objects.create(*
*                guid=uuid.uuid4(),*
*                comp_user_id='idcbijnccdocwocd', 
*                id=3333*
*            )*
*            print('cup count:', CompanyUserProfile.objects.count())*
*            print('user count:', User.objects.count())*
*            print('m_rels count:', ManagerRelation.objects.count())*
*            print('d_rels count:', DynamicRelation.objects.count())*
*            rsp = self.client.get('/api/v1/employees/')*
*            self.assertEqual(rsp.status_code, HTTPStatus.OK)*

however *CompanyUserProfile* records are not created, both using 
*mommy.make* or *CompanyUserProfile.objects.create*:

*          -- test run output: python manage.py test*
*          Creating test database for alias 'default'...*
*          System check identified no issues (0 silenced).*
*          cup count: 0*
*          user count: 1*
*          m_rels count: 5*
*          d_rels count: 5*
*          Destroying test database for alias 'default'...*

*CompanyUserProfile* inherits from *AbstractCompanyUserProfile* (abstract 
base model), that's the main difference between this and the other models.

Any idea of what can be the root cause of this?

*Python: 3.6.5*
*Django: 1.11.15*
*model-mommy: 1.6.0*
*PostgreSQL: 9.6.10*


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