> Are you sure?
> My (possibly flawed) understanding is that if you can make the change in
> a single transaction, no-one else can see what is happening until it is
> committed. Effectively that would be an instantaneous change.
> Depending on your data architecture you might need to make some parts
> read-only for the 30 minutes prior to committing.

The transaction can be atomic if it is a database such as PostgreSQL that
offers DDL changes in a transaction.   The issue is that rather than
updating the code for the web application in place, and then running
migrations, my CI/CD pipeline will instead bring up an entirely new set of
servers.   This makes a more isolated change to the environment, and
deployment also will take care of OS patching and such, but the old web
servers will still be online and querying the database.   They may will be
querying a column that no longer exists, which is a form of "Read after
Write" synchronization problem.

I think with an alternative CI/CD, in the cloud or elsewhere, this would
not be an issue.

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