I have two models and a ForeignKey. In this project I'm still using django 
1.11 (still busy migrating to python3) but I have reproduced this in django 

Models are Call and Client. Call has a ForeignKey to a PositiveIntegerField 
on Client. I'm changing the type of this field to a CharField, but 
django/mysql cannot drop or add constraints.

I found this issue: https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28305. I had 
hoped I was still using a version of 1.11 that didn't include the backport 
but unfortunately for me I did.
Before creating this post I also came across 
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30152 which is also related to my 
initial findings. As https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/30152#comment:10 
the internals of django checking for relations that might have constraints 
but in 30152 and my case it doesn't find the relation. As a result the 
foreign key constraint isn't dropped resulting in the error:

django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1833, "Cannot change column 'code': used 
in a foreign key constraint 
'myapp_call_clientcode_907d4acf_fk_myapp_client_code' of table 

After either applying the 
or simply (temporarily) removing related_name='+' I get past this 
OperationError. Instead I am confronted with:

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: (1215, 'Cannot add foreign key constraint')

>From what I've read about MySQL constraints this is caused by the different 
field types. Changing the type of the original field doesn't change the 
type of the foreign key field and the constraint cannot be re-added after 
dropping it.

I created a project on github: 
https://github.com/cpoppema/django-migrate-constraint-bug, ignore the 
master-branch for now.

Branch with original issue: 
Branch with issue without related_name='+': 

Known workaround that I've come up with is:

run a migration to change ForeignKey on Call to PositiveIntegerField
run a migration to change the PositiveIntegerField on Client to CharField
run a migration to change the PositiveIntegerField on Call to ForeignKey

With this, both fields end up as a CharField. I'd rather have Django 
generate either multiple migrations or do an ALTER TABLE for related fields.

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