Hm did you first do ./ migrate? Maybe your db.sqlite file doesn't 
exist... Check!
Additionally, if there IS a file that is similar to a db name, like 
blah.db, make sure in your "database" settings in points to 
that file. Sqlite3 isn't old; it's not going away, either. With the link 
you provided, it seems like you still have sqlite3...
Again, try to make sure of the following: 
1. Are you in a virtual environment?
2. Have you applied migrations with python migrate?
3. Check your database settings in has the same name as any 
existing sqlite3 or db file extension.

On Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 2:14:54 PM UTC-4, Tal wrote:
> When using the latest django from PyPI in CentOS 7, running "./ 
> runserver" gives an error about sqlite being too old.
> Since there's no newer sqlite version in the CentOS repos, I tried 
> building sqlite from scratch:
> curl -L 
> <>
> > sqlite-amalgamation-3290000.tar.gz
> tar -xvf sqlite-amalgamation-3290000.tar.gzcd sqlite-autoconf-3290000
> ./configure
> make
> make install
> This sets up the latest sqlite3 to /usr/local/bin/.
> Since /usr/local/bin is ahead of /usr/bin in my PATH, just running 
> "sqlite3" in the terminal runs the latest sqlite.
> It runs without issues, and shows that it's the latest version:
> my_hostname# sqlite3
> SQLite version 3.29.0 2019-07-10 17:32:03 
> Enter ".help" for usage hints. 
> Connected to a transient in-memory database. 
> Use ".open FILENAME" to reopen on a persistent database. 
> sqlite>
> Running "./ runserver" again, it still tries to use the old 
> version in /usr/bin, and fails.
> My django is running in a pipenv virtual environment, where PATH still has 
> /usr/local/bin/ ahead of /usr/bin, and running "sqlite3" in terminal still 
> shows the latest version.
> I followed the traceback django gives me to the module, where to 
> figure out the sqlite version it does this:
> import _sqlite3
> _sqlite3.sqlite_version
> If I run "python" in my virtualenv, and type those 2 lines, it shows the 
> old version of sqlite too.
> _sqlite3 is not written in python - it's a compiled binary, so I can't 
> examine it to see where it looks.
> Am I missing something?
> How can I tell _sqlite3 that there's a newer version of sqlite available 
> on the system?
> Does _sqlite3 even care about /usr/local/bin/sqlite3? Or is there some 
> sqlite library it's looking for?

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