i have a django project that need to be connected to MS SQL Server  i am 
using *pyodbc package.*

*once i run the program the system display the below error:*

djago.db.utils.operationalError:('08001','[08001] [microsoft][odbc sql 
server driver]neither dsn nor server keyword supplied (0) 
(sqldriverconnect); [08001] [microsoft][odbc sql server driver] Invalid 
connection string attribute (0)')

where is the error and how to fix it ?

from django.shortcuts import render
import pyodbc

def connect(request):
    conn = pyodbc.connect(
                            'Driver={SQL Server};'
                            'Server=ip address;'


    cursor = conn.cursor()
    c = cursor.execute('SELECT "first name" FROM Person   WHERE id = 2 ')

    return render (request,'connect.html',{"c":c})

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